Monday, October 19, 2009


My life of Eat Sleep Gym Church is really great and I love it. At least I start to feel healthy all over again! I'm eating healthy food, no fried stuff no sweet things, Great. What matters most is that I have the Lord in my heart 24/7, even though sometimes i forget to give thanks but He never fails to remind me and I would immediately give thanks. This is the power of the Lord.

Basketball is my passion, guitar is what I enjoy. I wanna master these 2 hobbies of mine! I gotta be fitter, faster and stronger! Cant wait to get back to SG to own ass!

Im studying evolution in my english class. Learning about how we evolved from apes. Oh and guess what, the book say that our ancestors actually eat each other. Cool eh? bull shit hahas. I dont believe these craps about evolution. Why not you tell me who has the wonderful wisdom to create life? who have the wisdom to make our features and characteristics so close to flawless? Who else besides the LORD! If we were really evolved from apes, (the trend is the increasing of intellegence) who would have the wisdom to create us? we cant possible exist here with no creator! So, I have totally no interest in studying this evolution crap. So my work is super sloppy. Good luck to my group mates hahas. GG.

Miss all of you out there. Saw Jackie's blog. So emo de. CHEER UP BRO! YOU CAN GET PAST THIS! ALL OF US CAN :D that makes our clique so special, all of us got similar outcome hahas. I just realised that. once again. miss you guys.

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